
Pre Break Up Party @ Seeka

Oh my god!!! Tomorrow is the last day for us to work in Macs packhouse. Feel so unbelievable that I’ve been here for 2 and half months, and it’s going to end. I know many people from here, many nice people. And then I got good friend from here too…. Awww~~~ I’m gonna miss them!!!
天啊!明天就是工作的最后一天了。不知不觉中,我在这里已经渡过了两个月多的时间,工作亦然,而明天就要结束了,突然觉得有点伤感。在这里认识了很多朋友,还有好朋友。名字我先不说,过后会放照片上来。我会想念他们的!!!啊不过,应该还会在联络和见面啦!哈哈!我还没离开这个小小的地方呢! = =”””

After finish work tomorrow, we will have a break up party. I guess everyone will fall in crazy, drinkin… hm.. even drugs? Probably alot ppl will take that, but I’m sure I won’t. Ha! Maybe just get drunk, which I really easy into … LOL!!!
明天结束了工作后,下午会有一个收工的派对。大家应该会陷入疯狂吧?工作完了,每一个人都很高兴,因为之前赶工的时候太辛苦了,大家都很累呢。我想,到时候一定很多烟酒,药物烟草… = = 很多人应该会很享受那些东西,但是我就只会碰酒,顶多醉倒咯!我常常都那样的说 = = 不稀奇了

Really can’t wait until tomorrow evening.. aiks! It should be fun!!! And I’m going to wear less in the cold day… Ha! Am I crazy?!
迫不及待参加明天的派对,应该很有趣的说… 我也会疯狂的在现在这中冷天气穿少少来吸引大家的目光下… 哈哈哈!!! 我疯了!!!


Hopefully won’t get cold or sick by the day after.. hahahaha!!! Ally said that she will give me warm :$   aww~~~ so nice… right? hehehe!
希望隔天不要生病才好。哈哈哈! Ally说她会给我温暖… 我羞羞了 :$


